Me Pierdo Contigo


Me Pierdo Contigo

The story behind this editorial was born from the island. The appreciation we have for the place we call home and all the hidden potential it has to offer. We wanted to combine our favorites elements: fashion, landscapes, and most importantly, LOVE. Between the stunning views of the Cayey Mountains and the beautiful valleys of Lajas;  Me Pierdo Contigo showcase a celebration of love for all those open minds out there that want to celebrate their special day uniquely and differently.

Special Thanks to:

Bride: Mairaly Rodríguez | @harmonicurls

Groom: Bryan Reyes | @chukybrown

Venue: Casamerica | @casamericapr

Vintage hat: Johnny y June | @johnnyyjune

Crown, Earrings and Boutonnière: Eva Guadalupe | @evaguadalupedesign

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